Thursday, May 26, 2011

Maddie & Jordan

These two twins are so sweet.  Maddie took a little while to warm up, but when she did, she sure could turn it on :)  Jordan is a little stud too - totally handsome and already doesn't want to get to close to his sister.  At least not for me :)  Enjoy!

Newborn and big sis

This precious little one did not want to sleep for us.  I guess she crashed after she went home.  But it was fun to hang out with her and her big sister (who was so patient and very sweet).  I love her fuzzy hair.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Deanna & Tom

What a fun couple!  We got to spend a few hours hanging around the site they are going to get married at this summer.  I love the church and the campus grounds.  We had a gorgeous spring day to be outside and take some very fun shots.  Can't wait for the wedding!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Gorgeous Momma to be

I absolutely loved meeting this awesome couple.  They were so sweet together.  I know their little one is going to be just beautiful.  It was a perfect night to take some outdoor pictures too (even though we had to watch a bit of the wind).  They are going to have so much fun when their little one arrives.