Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My new neice

I just had to share a few photos of my sweet little neice Stella.  My sister and her husband sure have their hands full with their two girls.  Big sister Olivia is a mover, but she did sit down long enough to give Stella a few pinches :) 

Friday, February 5, 2010

Brand new little "T"

Thank you so much for having me to your home to photograph your two beautiful daughters.  They were just awesome kiddos.  Little Miss "T" was such a little model.  Hope you enjoy your preview.

Monday, February 1, 2010

6 month old E

Look at that sweet face!  E was such a doll to photograph - who was just happy to be my model for the morning.  It was fun to try to catch a few 'action' shots of her older brother.  Thanks so much for having me at your home and to spend some time with your beautiful children.